
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@doi 10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2017.20
%T Visual Analysis of Predictive Suffix Trees for Discovering Movement Patterns and Behaviors
%D 2017
%A Junior, Antonio Jose Melo Leite,
%A Santos, Emanuele,
%A vidal, Creto Augusto,
%A Macedo, Jose Antonio Fernandes de,
%@affiliation Virtual University Institute - Federal University of Ceara - Fortaleza, Brazil
%@affiliation Department of Computing - Federal University of Ceara - Fortaleza, Brazil
%@affiliation Department of Computing - Federal University of Ceara - Fortaleza, Brazil
%@affiliation Department of Computing - Federal University of Ceara - Fortaleza, Brazil
%E Torchelsen, Rafael Piccin,
%E Nascimento, Erickson Rangel do,
%E Panozzo, Daniele,
%E Liu, Zicheng,
%E Farias, Mylène,
%E Viera, Thales,
%E Sacht, Leonardo,
%E Ferreira, Nivan,
%E Comba, João Luiz Dihl,
%E Hirata, Nina,
%E Schiavon Porto, Marcelo,
%E Vital, Creto,
%E Pagot, Christian Azambuja,
%E Petronetto, Fabiano,
%E Clua, Esteban,
%E Cardeal, Flávio,
%B Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 30 (SIBGRAPI)
%C Niterói, RJ, Brazil
%8 17-20 Oct. 2017
%I IEEE Computer Society
%J Los Alamitos
%S Proceedings
%K Visual Analysis, Movement Pattern, Predictive Suffix Trees.
%X The use of GPS-equipped devices has allowed generating and storing data related to massive amounts of moving objects, promoting many solutions to movement prediction problems. Movement prediction became essential to perform tasks in several areas ranging from analysis of the popularity of geographic regions; and management of traffic and transportation; to recommendations in location-based social networks. To explore this type of data is a complex task because one must deal simultaneously with space, time and probability. In this work, we apply the branching time concept to visual analytics, proposing an approach that supports movement prediction using Probabilistic Suffix Trees. We try to substitute the traditional evaluation method, based on reading texts, by an interactive visual solution. To validate the proposed solution, we developed and tested a visualization tool using a real dataset. It assisted experts to quickly identify where a person lives, where she works and to recognize some of her movement patterns and probable behaviors.
%@language en
%3 PID4960307.pdf
